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The Danger of Trump's Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

December 9, 2015

It is the kind of rhetoric that is being spewed by Donald Trump and the extreme right-wing in this nation that is more dangerous to the United States than anything ISIS or any other terrorist group can do to us. Trump's simplistic yet harmful call to ban members of an entire religion plays right into the goals of our enemies and makes the nation less safe not more so.

Many are pointing to President Carter’s ban on Iranians traveling into the United States during the Iranian Hostage Crisis as a defense for Trumps bigotry. There is a significant difference between placing pressure on a nation for its policies and holding a billion people responsible for the actions of thousands. Jimmy Carter is an excellent man and took actions during the Hostage Crisis designed to pressure a government. Ultimately it failed but it was directed at a specific target not an entire religion.

Trump and the extreme right-wing of this nation are playing to the most extreme fears of our people and in doing so are helping our enemies to achieve what they could never achieve against us on their own. And that is to get us to abandon out most...


Tags: donald trump, jimmy carter, kevin shinn, radicals, republicans, right-wing

Posted at: 01:55 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS

Home of Fools

April 18, 2015

The idiocy of right-wing presidential candidates is a threat to our great nation. When you have charlatans like Huckabee preaching against service in our military and traitors like Tom Cotton appealing to our enemies to not negotiate with our President and fanatics like Ted Cruz championing the use of armed rebellion to overturn election results, the Republican Party has become the home of every fool in the nation who would prefer living in a political system like Somalia"s instead of the one created by our Founding Fathers and fine-tuned over time into the greatest nation in history.

Tags: kevin shinn, mike huckabee, republicans, ted cruz, tom cotton

Posted at: 10:28 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS

Jesus Was Not A Champion For Ignorance.

September 6, 2008

Having labored through watching the Republican  National Convention and their array of right-wing, anti-education speakers, I remain dumbfounded by the evangelical commitment to ignorance as a civil right. Speakers like Bill Bennett’s acknowledgement that you probably won’t find many university professor’s lining up to support the McCain-Palin ticket because they’re all liberal elitists and Mike Huckabee who steadfastly holds to the position that every major scientific organization in the world is wrong about evolution and that he and his ultra-conservative home school cronies are right because God told them so have reinforced my long held belief that Jesus is probably shaking His head at them right now and wondering whether or not mankind will ever get it. I am a liberal, hard-core Christian who believes to my very core that Jesus died for my sins and through Him I have salvation. That said, I can’t help but believe that once we arrive in Heaven, there must be some form of remediation for my evangelical brothers and sisters who simply never understood the message of our Savior. Next to our salvation, the greatest gift provided to us by our Creator is the ability to think and to reason. Yet, the more... [More]

Tags: bill bennett, christians, jesus, john mccain, kevin shinn, mike huckabee, republicans, sarah palin, savior

Posted at: 01:26 AM | Permalink RSS

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