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The Danger of Trump's Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

December 9, 2015

It is the kind of rhetoric that is being spewed by Donald Trump and the extreme right-wing in this nation that is more dangerous to the United States than anything ISIS or any other terrorist group can do to us. Trump's simplistic yet harmful call to ban members of an entire religion plays right into the goals of our enemies and makes the nation less safe not more so.

Many are pointing to President Carter’s ban on Iranians traveling into the United States during the Iranian Hostage Crisis as a defense for Trumps bigotry. There is a significant difference between placing pressure on a nation for its policies and holding a billion people responsible for the actions of thousands. Jimmy Carter is an excellent man and took actions during the Hostage Crisis designed to pressure a government. Ultimately it failed but it was directed at a specific target not an entire religion.

Trump and the extreme right-wing of this nation are playing to the most extreme fears of our people and in doing so are helping our enemies to achieve what they could never achieve against us on their own. And that is to get us to abandon out most...


Tags: donald trump, jimmy carter, kevin shinn, radicals, republicans, right-wing

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