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Beware Obama, Palin, and McCain

October 20, 2008

Like millions of people, I have had a good chuckle or two at the expense of our fellow citizens who consistently have raised the alarm against Barack Obama and John McCain as secret operatives planted here to trigger the overthrow of our nation. On the face of it, our dear friends appear to have been a tad late in receiving their medication. After all, what kind of nut would think that if Obama was a plant by the Islamic extremists to enslave our proud land, the mullahs would not have named him Ralph Cramden or Joe Plumber in order to throw us off guard? And what kind of lunatic would believe that John McCain had been brainwashed by the Communists nearly 40 years ago just so that some day his handlers could use him to destroy our economy? Absurd. Ludicrous. Or is it?


Last week’s Letter to the Editor and plenty of unsupervised time on the Internet has led me to the startling revelation that our nation is at risk from a secret attack. The heroic work of the brave Alaskans who revealed Palin’s ties to the Alaskan Separatist Movement were my first clue to the puzzle. Watching her...


Tags: barack obama, john mccain, kevin shinn, sarah palin

Posted at: 11:28 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS

Palin for Homecoming Queen

October 2, 2008

As I have observed this season's political parade of primaries, caucuses, and now debates, I have rather smugly recognized that the concept of a minority or a woman being our President holds no concern for me whatsoever. I am not afraid that the election of Barack Obama will lead to an Andrew Jackson style romp through the White House or if Hillary had been the nominee, I don't feel estrogen carriers everywhere would have posted bounties on testosterone carriers in a bid to control our population.

However, after having watched Sarah Palin's performances in interviews and the debate, I can tell you I am deathly afraid that stupid will once again inhabit the reins of power at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. One would think our nation's experiment with perpetual ignorance would have lost its popularity even with the anti-intelligent evangelical crowd in this country.  Then again, I could be wrong. These are the people who knowingly voted for Bush twice when they disagreed with his policies and recognized his IQ placed him somewhere between Dan Quayle and a squash because he  was a good Christian.  They are apparently under the impression that Jesus finds intelligence and rational thought to be offensive....


Tags: andrew jackson, barack obama, george bush, hillary clnton, joe biden, john mccain, kevin shinn, sarah palin

Posted at: 11:31 PM | 2 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS

Jesus Was Not A Champion For Ignorance.

September 6, 2008

Having labored through watching the Republican  National Convention and their array of right-wing, anti-education speakers, I remain dumbfounded by the evangelical commitment to ignorance as a civil right. Speakers like Bill Bennett’s acknowledgement that you probably won’t find many university professor’s lining up to support the McCain-Palin ticket because they’re all liberal elitists and Mike Huckabee who steadfastly holds to the position that every major scientific organization in the world is wrong about evolution and that he and his ultra-conservative home school cronies are right because God told them so have reinforced my long held belief that Jesus is probably shaking His head at them right now and wondering whether or not mankind will ever get it. I am a liberal, hard-core Christian who believes to my very core that Jesus died for my sins and through Him I have salvation. That said, I can’t help but believe that once we arrive in Heaven, there must be some form of remediation for my evangelical brothers and sisters who simply never understood the message of our Savior. Next to our salvation, the greatest gift provided to us by our Creator is the ability to think and to reason. Yet, the more... [More]

Tags: bill bennett, christians, jesus, john mccain, kevin shinn, mike huckabee, republicans, sarah palin, savior

Posted at: 01:26 AM | Permalink RSS

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